Tagged: trust

Loving BDSM episode 147 topic: D/s can't fix a broken relationship 0

D/s Can’t Fix a Broken Relationship LB147

Fair warning…this week’s topic brings out all of the ranting. Can D/s be an amazing thing in an imperfect relationship where both people want to and can make it work? Absolutely! Will D/s be...

episode 131 of Loving BDSM podcast talks about secrets in D/s relationships 2

Secrets in a D/s Relationship LB131

When we put out the call for topic suggestions a few weeks ago, Chloe Dare asked us to talk about whether you can have secrets in a D/s relationship. It’s a good question, and,...

two hands held up in support to indicate how to build each other up in a D/s relationship 0

How to Build Each Other Up in a D/s Relationship

I’m never completely sure why D/s relationships and the BDSM lifestyle are treated as if they’re completely divorced from reality. Our roles are clearly outlined; consent is required; and it only works when everyone...