Category: D/s Relationships

Here at Loving BDSM, we included “loving” in our name for a couple of reasons. One has everything to do with loving D/s and other kinky relationships. A loving relationship isn’t always permanent, sexual, or something that includes a fairy tale ending. But the relationships we form with each other in D/s and BDSM are important.

This is where you’ll find blog posts on building better D/s relationships, navigating tough moments in your kinky relationship, and taking care of each other.

episode 404 of the Loving BDSM podcast 0

Answering Cute and Spicy Questions

This week, we’re letting Therapy Jeff tell us what to talk about – by answering several “cute and spicy” relationship questions he posted about on Instagram (and probably TikTok too). In this episode: There’s...

episode 401 of the Loving BDSM podcast 0

Task Creep in Power Exchange

We’ve experienced “task creep” – the act of taking on tasks/routines that weren’t specifically negotiated. Thankfully for us, we figured it out quickly and worked it out in a quick conversation. But like job...