Tagged: kinky fuckery

red cuffs on black background with title BDSM Basics Kinky Scenes 5 Things You Need to Know 1

BDSM Basics: Kinky Scenes

Kinky scenes mean something different to everyone. Sometimes they’re highly planned, very elaborate, need a bit of equipment, and play into a very specific fantasy. And some scenes are much more relaxed and more...

guest post by epona about why she's a masochist 0

Why I’m a Masochist

I’m not sure exactly when I realized I was a masochist but I always knew that I had an unusually high tolerance for pain. I was that kid that poked my bruises, licked my...

episode 157 of the Loving BDSM podcast discusses what 24/7 D/s means to us 2

What 24/7 D/s Means to Us

We talk about being 24/7 D/s in nearly every episode we record, because it’s who we are. But we’ve never really talked about what it means to us. It’s pretty simple, but it’s also...