Tagged: D/s relationships

episode 148 on Loving BDSM discusses jealousy in D/s relationships 2

Jealousy in D/s Relationships LB148

Most of us use the term “jealousy” as a catch-all for worry, envy, insecurity and other negative feelings in a relationship. So let’s talk about what we mean when we say we’re feeling “jealous”...

Loving BDSM episode 147 topic: D/s can't fix a broken relationship 0

D/s Can’t Fix a Broken Relationship LB147

Fair warning…this week’s topic brings out all of the ranting. Can D/s be an amazing thing in an imperfect relationship where both people want to and can make it work? Absolutely! Will D/s be...

supporting Dominants through tough times is the topic for episode 144 of the Loving BDSM podcast 0

Supporting Dominants Through Tough Moments LB144

Everyone (on either side of the slash) goes through tough moments. In a power exchange, it can be difficult to know how to help or what to do when you’re a submissive. This doesn’t...