Tagged: babygirl

episode 142 of Loving BDSM discusses the Caregiver/little dynamic 3

Understanding the Caregiver/little Dynamic LB142

What it means to be in a Caregiver/little dynamic will be different from relationship to relationship, but that’s not going to stop us from discussing it. We’ll try to make sense of what it...

Saying Caregiver/little instead of DD/lg 12

Why We Say Caregiver/little Instead of DD/lg

To be clear, John Brownstone and I consider ourselves “DD/lg” or Daddy Dom/little girl…although to be really clear, it’s actually DD/bg or Daddy Dom/babygirl. So most people would probably understand if we used DD/lg...

kinky cloth review on youtube 1

Video Review: Kinky T-Shirts from Kinky Cloth

We’re back with another video and another review! Kinky Cloth reached out to us a few weeks ago and gave us the opportunity to review their shirts (in exchange for an honest review). So...