Category: Kinky Fuckery

our relationship with shaving and hair removal 13

On Shaving and Hair Removal

Shaving, the current Kink of the Week topic, has so many connotations. Maybe you see the word and you think of shaving your pubic hair. Or you think of beards. When I see the...

person in bunny costume above title Role Play vs D/s for Kink of the Week 13

Role Play vs. D/s Relationships

If you’ve listened to the podcast, you’ve probably heard me say (a lot!) that I’m no fan of role play, while John Brownstone’s got some seriously steamy fantasies that he wishes I’d try with...

if an accent isn't a kink, it's really about the person 14

Is it the Accent or the Person?

The latest Kink of the Week topic is all about voices, accents, and languages. The prompt asks whether they’re a kink of yours — why or why not. For me, accents can be sexy....