Tagged: kink of the week

if an accent isn't a kink, it's really about the person 14

Is it the Accent or the Person?

The latest Kink of the Week topic is all about voices, accents, and languages. The prompt asks whether they’re a kink of yours — why or why not. For me, accents can be sexy....

bear claws for scratching 3

8 Things to Know About Scratching

Raking your nails down your partner’s back during good sex. Adding a bit of spice during a back rub. Getting your partner’s attention when their back is turned. These are just some of the...

pair of cowboy boots 12

For the Love of Boots

The current Kink of the Week is all about boots. While I (Kayla) own and love them, my feelings are nothing compared to John Brownstone’s. So I asked if he’d share his love and...

statue with a fig leaf over his groin before a handjob 10

Can a Handjob Be Kinky?

Depending on your relationship with penises and handjobs, it might not be something you’ve given a lot of thought to. And if you think of them at all, you might not immediately think of...