The complainer. The troublemaker. The snarky asshole who loves to tear people down – to their face or behind their back. In any group where humans gather, you’ll find these people. When you find...
Update for August 21, 2017: Godemiche is sponsoring part of our giveaway and the Loving BDSM swag has been been bumped up from $25 to $50!!! Thank you Godemiche. We’ll discuss Godemiche, who they...
GIF via Giphy When John Brownstone and I decided that we wanted Loving BDSM to have it’s own home and that we wanted to build our own kinky community, we had a vision for...
In some ways, looking back, I think the spark of kink was always in me. Discovering my kinky side wasn’t a straight line from there to here, and it wasn’t always easy. I got...
Image Credit: Pixabay When someone asks me, “Where do I meet a Dominant?” or “Where do I go to learn how to do bondage or cupping or…” (pick a kinky thing, any kinky thing,)...
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